Introduction of new module of e-Pay Order in IR-WCMS
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
New Delhi, dated 26.12.2022
As per list attached.
Sub: Introduction of new module of e-Pay Order in IR-WCMS
Ref: Board’s letters No. 2018/CE-I/CT/30 dated 29.11.2019, 21.04.2020, 12.06.2020, 24.06.2022 & 01.08.2022
1. The IT Application of Works Contract Management System (IR-WCMS) has been implemented on Zonal Railways with the approval of Board vide letters under reference above.
2. Now, Railway Board (MI, MF) has decided to launch a new module of ‘e-Pay Order’ regarding preparation & processing of Pay Orders for release of part/full Security Deposit (SD), Peilormance Guarantee (PG) and payment of Advances has been made live in IR-WCMS on All India basis.
3. This module can be accessed through the login of “Bill Passing Officer” or “OS/Ch.OS of Bill Passing Officer” using the menu link “Miscellaneous > e-Pay Order”.
4. Accounts Department may continue to ensure availability of credit and carry out necessary internal check.
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