Amendment of provisions relating to Railway Staff Benefit Fund: Advance Correction Slip No. 143

Amendment of provisions relating to Railway Staff Benefit Fund: Advance Correction Slip No. 143

RBE No.157/2022
ACS No.143

(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD)


New Delhi, dated 21.12.2022

The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways and
Production Units etc.

Sub: Amendment of provisions relating to Railway Staff Benefit Fund- Chapter 8 of the Indian Railway Establishment Code Volume I, 1965 Edition (Third Reprint Edition-2008).


In order to address the evolving needs of Railway Servants and their families, it has been decided with the approval of the Competent Authority to introduce “promotion of mental health and well being of employees’ as a new Head/Activity under Staff Benefit Fund and re-distribution of the allocation under certain Heads. Accordingly, the table indicating distribution under Rule No. 805 of the Indian Railway Establishment Code, Volume-I, 1985 Edition is amended as per enclosed Advance Correction Slip No.143. Other terms and conditions will remain the same.

2. This ‘issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

3. Hindi version will follow.

4. Please acknowledge receipt.

(Chhote Lal)
Jt. Director Estt.(Welfare)
Railway Board


(Third Reprint Edition-2008)


Railway Staff Benefit Fund

Advance Correction Slip No. 143

S.No. Head /activity Allocation (in Rs.) Scope
1 Education- Scholarship for Higher Technical/ Professional education for wards of non-gazetted Railway Servants in Grade Pay (above) Rs. 2400/- (i.e. above Level-4 in Pay Matrix @ Rs.1500 p.m. 116 For wards of Railway Servants in Grade Pay above Rs. 2400/- (i.e. above Level-4 in Pay Matrix) pursuing Higher Technical/Professional education.

(Authority: Board’s letter No.E(W)2014/FU-1/1 dated 18.01.2017, ACS No. 130)

2 Scholarship for Higher Technical/Professional eduction of Girl children of Railway Servants in Grade Pay up to Rs2400/- (i.e. upto Level-4 of Pay Matrix) @ 1500 p.m. 110 Scholarship for pursuing Technical/Professional diploma/degree for girl children of Railway Servants in Grade Pay up to Rs. 2400/- (i.e. upto Level-4 of Pay Matrix)
3 Scholarship for Higher Technical/Professional eduction of Male children of Railway Servants in Grade Pay up to Rs.2400/- (i.e. upto Levle-4 of Pay Matrix) @ 1500/- p.m. 100 Scholarship for pursuing Technical Professional diploma/degree for male children of Railway Servants in Grade Pay up to Rs.2400/- (i.e. upto Level-4 of Pay Matrix)
4 Women empowerment activities including seminar, camps, training programmes and gender sensitization camps etc. 28 Giving support to creches, arrangements .. for safety of women Railway Servants & other initiatives taken by Railways.
5 Recreation other than sports 25 Recreational facilities, purchase of gum equipments, employees’ / wards’ holiday camps, study, tours.
6 Recreational  facilities Institutes and Clubs etc 36  
7 Promotion of Cultural Activities 16 Organizing   cultural programmes in residential colonies, Divisions and schools and purchase / maintenance of instruments etc.
8. Relief of distress, sickness, etc for Railway Staff in Grade Pay up to 4600/- (i.e.upto Level-7 of Pay Matrix) 110 To grant higher amount of relief to Railway Servatants in need such as immediate financial assistance to Railway Servants in accidents and for Railway Servants who are long sick and hospitalized for a long period and are on leave without pay: no leave (LAP or LHAP) is in his credit. Funeral charges for death of Railway Servants be given at Rs. 10,000/- in each case.
9. Sports activities 30 Encouraging· sports by giving latest sports equipment and imparting training at schools, institutes and clubs.
10. Scouts & Guides activities 22 Augmentation         of     training facility all over Railways.
11. Indigenous system of medicine· including Homoeopathy 36  
12. Immediate relief intimes of crisis arising out of floods , famines, landslides, ·fire or any other calamity · 24  
13. Developing occupational skills for disabled Railway Servants(Divyangjan) i.e. those covered under ‘Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016′ and their wards, including purchase of wheel chairs, other aids, special software etc. and organizing workshops, seminars, camps etc. 50 Assistance to Railway Servants with disabilities/ wards in need of special equipments etc
14. Miscellaneous 80 Support for improvement in holiday homes, rest houses, entertainment/ information facility viz TV; electrical appliances/maintenance fund for recurring expenses on such facilities.
15. Promotion of mental health and well being of employees 17 Adequate counselling and alternate modes of reducing stress levels through meditation. yoga ,life style changes etc.
  Total 800


(1) Allocation provided against Head/Activity at No.(1)(2) and (3) of Rule 805 will also .be utilized for financing the scheme of Cash award for wards of Railway Servants for outstanding contribution in Academics & Sports as stipulated vide Annexure-1 to Board’s letter No. E(W)2014/FU-1/1 dated 01.06.2015 – RBE · No.54/2015).

(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. E(W)2010/FU-1/4 dated 12.10.2015 – ACS No.127)

(2) The SBF Committees on Railways have been empowered for inclusion of degree courses in the already approved courses for the purpose of grant of scholarship in terms of the conditions/priorities laid down vide Railway Board’s letter E(W)85/FU-1/4, dated 19.11.1985 and other instructions issued from time to time and subject to recognition of the course by the recognised University/State Governments.

(Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.E(W)2008/FU-1/5 dated 05.11.2008).

(3) Interest at 2 percent per annum shall be credited on the balance at the credit of the Fund lying with the Government and will be taken in reduction of the annual contribution from the revenues of the Railway.

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